Ing Lázaro Zayas
Mexico Executive Director
Address: Calle Edzna LT 2, SM 38, M 7
Fracc. Paraiso II, Cancun, Quintana Roo, México
Zip Code: 7757
Phone/Fax: (+34) 955 15 74 00 // 954 67 40 98
Mobile: (+34) 627 11 98 73
Mr.Lazaro Zayas is Executive Director, Senior Specialist of the Atomic Energy Commission for peaceful purposes in Cuba attached to the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), working together with the president Mr. Fidel Castro Diaz-Balard. He is graduated of Average Technician in Development Assembly and Repair of Nuclear Reactors and Generators of Steam for Nuclear power plants, In the year 1984 he entered in the Preparatory faculty “Hermanos Páez” in Havana City for learning of the Russian language and later revenue universities of the former CCCP and History of International Relations, Kiev Ukraine 1979-84 Master of Arts.
Had been studied different Master’s in Financial Consultancy and of Business, and also in Logistic Consultancy and Business administration. He has extensive experiencie in conducting global operations of all kinds. In almost 12 years living in Mexico as a strategic location of our investments Mr. Zayas has managed to make contacts and meet important personalities in the most different spheres of economic and social development of Mexico and other countries, principally in Europe, Africa, North America and Latin America, receiving V & V subsidiary “an acknowledgment letter from the Mr.President of the United Mexican States Mr.Felipe Calderon Hinojosa for “their hard work and role in the development of economy”, dated September 2/ 2011.
Monitoring the day-to-day delivery of the programs and services of the organization to maintain or improve quality. Oversee the planning, implementation, execution and evaluation of special projects Focus on Client Needs: Anticipate, understand, and respond to the needs of internal and external clients to meet or exceed their expectations within the organizational parameters.